

Die Excelitas PCO-Kamerasteuerungssoftware ist der erste Schritt, um mit Ihren PCO-Kameras zu arbeiten. Sie ist benutzerfreundlich und bietet eine Vielzahl von Kamera- und Bildaufnahmeeinstellungen, die perfekt auf die gewünschten Ergebnisse abgestimmt sind. We leverage our technical expertise and knowledge of our customers' areas of work and research to ensure your workflows are as seamless and convenient as possible.

Get started and work with your PCO cameras today by clicking the Software tab below. If you are on a Windows platform, download the pco.camware software via the link provided. For additional information and guidance through the first steps, please be sure to view our video tutorials available below in the Related Content section.

If you are on a Linux platform, be sure to visit us again as we are working on a camera control software application that will be launched soon.

Feel free to contact us if you need further assistance.

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