Single Photon-Counting Module

Die Single Photon-Counting Module (SPCMs) der Excelitas Familie sind in sich geschlossene Module. Sie erfüllen die Anforderungen für Anwendungen in der konfokalen Mikroskopie, Fluoreszenz, Lumineszenz und TCSPC, Partikelgrößenbestimmung und Quantenkommunikation. Unsere SPCMs bieten marktführende Effizienz bei der Photonendetektion (PDE, Photon Detection Efficiency), niedriges Nachpulsen, höchste Homogenität über den aktiven Bereich, einen großen linearen dynamischen Bereich und niedrige Dunkelzählraten.

Sind Sie daran interessiert, wie sich die Einzelphotonendetektion im Laufe der Jahre zu den heutigen schlüsselfertigen Modulen weiterentwickelt hat, die eine einfache Plug-and-Run-Photonendetektion für OEMs und Labore gleichermaßen ermöglichen? Lesen Sie unser neustes Whitepaper!

SPCM von Excelitas sind auch online unter erhältlich – für schnelle Lieferung jetzt kaufen!

Zusätzliche Ressourcen
Why should you choose Excelitas as your provider of Single Photon Counting Modules?
With more than 30 years of photon counting design and engineering expertise, Excelitas Technologies proudly delivers high-quality, high-performance Single Photon Counting Modules (SPCMs) designed for the most demanding low-light-level detection applications. We combine our technical expertise with global resources to support the needs of our customers and provide solutions that best meet your photon counting applications. As the first company to introduce SPCMs that utilize the power of silicon avalanche photodiodes (Si APDs), our commitment remains to continue delivering cutting-edge solutions as a market leader and innovator in the photonics industry.
What are the different uses of Single Photon Counting Modules?
SPCMs are specialized devices used for detecting and counting individual photons with great precision and accuracy. Excelitas utilizes Silicon APDs in manufacturing our photon modules, which are advantageous as they can help achieve maximum peak photon detection over a 180µm diameter circular active area. Temperatures typically increase during this process, so the photodiodes are temperature-controlled using a double-stage thermoelectric cooler to ensure the system's stability and optimal signal-to-noise ratio as the temperature fluctuates. These capabilities are crucial and well-suited for a wide range of applications, including fluorescence, luminescence, confocal microscopy, time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC), quantum communications and particle sizing.
What types of Single Photon Counting Modules do you offer?
Excelitas offers a comprehensive series of high performance SPCMs for the most demanding low-light-level detection applications including:
  • SPCM-AQ4C - four-channel photon counting modules that detect single photons between the 400 nm to 1060 nm wavelength range.
  • SPCM-AQRH - this module detects single photons of light between the 400 nm to 1064 nm wavelengths while offering superior performance parameters as compared to other solid-state or vacuum-tube-based photon counters.
  • SPCM-AQRH-TR - as part of the latest SPCM product generation, this module is specifically selected and optimized to achieve timing resolution while supporting applications in TCSPC, fluorescence lifetime measurements and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM).
  • SPCM-NIR – single-photon counting photon modules that have been performance-optimized for the near-infrared (NIR) wavelength spectrum and designed to support long range light detection and ranging (LiDAR), quantum communication and microscopy applications, among others.
What are the applications of Single Photon Counting Modules?
Excelitas offers a comprehensive range of SPCMs well-suited for a wide range of cutting-edge applications, including the following:
  • Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) Particle Sizing
  • Stimulated Emission Depletion (STED) & Multi-Photon Microscopy
  • Ultra-Sensitive Fluorescence
  • Luminescence
  • Single Molecule Detection
  • Diffused Correlation Spectroscopy (DCS)
  • Single Photon LiDAR
  • Optische Entfernungsmessung
  • Quantum Cryptography (QKD)
  • Photon Entanglement Experiments
Do you offer custom Single Photon Counting Modules?
Yes, we do. Excelitas is a product leader in the design, development and manufacturing of high-quality SPCMs designed to meet your intended applications. Our SPCM solutions follow the strictest standards to ensure their reliability and robust performance. Look through our comprehensive off-the-shelf solutions to find devices that satisfy your performance requirements. If you are unable to find solutions that match the specifications of your intended application, get in touch with us for customized solutions tailored to your specific needs. We collaborate with you through every stage of the design and development process to ensure the quality of the product without compromising cost, reliability and time-to-market. Rest assured that these products will abide by our strict quality standards.
Single Photon-Counting Module




Das SPCM-AQ4C mit vier Kanälen detektiert einzelne Lichtphotonen im Wellenlängenbereich von 400 nm bis 1060 nm. Alle Kanäle sind unabhängig voneinander.


Das optimierte SPCM-AQRH von Excelitas erkennt einzelne Photonen im Wellenlängenbereich von 400 nm bis 1064 nm und bieten eine Performance, die anderen Photonenzählwerken auf Festkörper- oder Vakuumröhrenbasis weit überlegen sind.


Das Excelitas SPCM-AQRH-WX-TR der neuesten Produktgeneration ist selektiert und leistungsoptimiert in der zeitlichen Auflösung (timing resolution). Es ist speziell für Anwendungen in der zeitkorrelierten Einzelphotonenzählung (Time-Correlated Single-Photon Counting, TCSPC), der Messung der Fluoreszenzlebensdauer und der Bildgebungsmikroskopie der Fluoreszenzlebensdauer (Flourescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy, FLIM) entwickelt.
SPCM-NIR-wx with -FC or -BR1/2 Options


Das Excelitas SPCM-NIR ist ein Einzelphotonen-Zählmodul, das speziell für den Nahinfrarot-Wellenlängenbereich ausgewählt und leistungsoptimiert wurde. Dieses speziell auf das NIR-Spektrum abgestimmte Modul erlaubt LiDAR mit großer Reichweite, Quantenkommunikation und Mikroskopie sowie viele andere Anwendungen.