LEDs Magazine

Has Germicidal UV-C LED Technology Hit an Impasse? Experts Say No

Has germicidal UV-C LED technology hit an impasse Experts say no“The COVID-19 pandemic kicked off a frenzy of sorts in the disinfection marketplace,” begins a recent article in LEDs Magazine. According to the article, UV-C LEDs were expected to cross the chasm into early majority adoption in germicidal applications; however, broad acceptance has yet to be attained.

“You definitely have the early adopters, but the majority are still looking for answers,” said Mark Gaston, director of UV-C product management at Excelitas Technologies.
“It’s going to take years to get large-scale adoption where the market is ready to implement the technology in volume.” Slow budget cycles in target markets like school districts add further delays. Still, the market footprint will expand.

Read the full article in LEDs Magazine to find out about the latest technical advances and commercial deployments underway in the disinfection market to better understand UV-C LED progress to date and future projections. The article includes insights from a variety of industry experts on the future of UVC-LED technology as a water, surface and air disinfectant, including Excelitas’ Mark Gaston, who weighed in on the adoption trajectory for UV-C LED systems in air disinfection – where our Kepri Upper-Air Disinfection System excels.

Read the article here.