The original Optomechanical Cage System, Microbench is compact, precisely centered, simple to integrate and expand. With an expansive range of optical and mechanical components, LINOS® Microbench is an integral part of many optomechanical set ups. Optimized for use with optics from 18-31.5 mm Ø.
LINOS Microbench springs from our time-proven Qioptiq optical heritage, originating in 1963 with Spindler & Hoyer. This precision 4-rod cage system is compact, precisely centered, simple to integrate and expand. With an expansive range of optical and mechanical components from Excelitas, LINOS Microbench is an integral part of many optomechanical set ups.
Leverage 50+ years of expertise in optomechanical precision to ensure the highest reliability and stability for your experimental setups. Visit our Qioptiq-shop today to learn more about the full range of LINOS Microbench.
German manufacturing expertise using only high-quality, extremely durable materials
Surface finishing with precision anodizing
Narrow production tolerances
On-going system expansion with new optical and mechanical components
The Qioptiq guarantee: Complete compatibility of all Microbench series components - from 1968 to today