Healthcare-Acquired Infection (HAI): Protecting Patient Health with UVC Technology

Healthcare-acquired infections (referred to as HAI) are a very serious, growing threat to patient safety worldwide. HAIs stemming from the most serious antibiotic resistant bacteria can be severe leading to prolonged hospitalization, increased healthcare costs and even death. In the United States alone, HAIs affect two million patients per year, resulting in over 100,000 deaths, and account for direct and indirect medical costs estimated at well over $96B annually. In 2016, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) concluded that the incidence of HAI-causing pathogens could be reduced up to 35% by simply adding UVC emitting devices to standard cleaning strategies. Fortunately, one of the most powerful, effective and adaptable tools to aid in the control and mitigation of pathogens is the use of UVC irradiation. UVC light has a short wavelength and high energy, which makes it effective at destroying a wide range of pathogens including those associated with HAIs.
Excelitas offers a very wide range of UVC technologies that play a crucial role in controlling and mitigating pathogens associated with healthcare-acquired infections.
Excelitas has a field-proven history of supplying pulsed Xenon light sources into disinfection applications. Our pulsed Xenon UV light sources produce a high-intensity, broad-spectral distribution over the germicidal band to effectively eliminate harmful pathogens. In addition, recent studies have shown that certain combinations of UVC sources (e.g. LED systems along with excimer lamps) show a synergistic effect on disinfection because the deactivation mechanisms are slightly different. LEDs offer many compelling advantages for pathogen reduction in healthcare settings. Our UVC LED solutions offer the greatest flexibility with the highest level of integration of all the UVC light sources.
In addition, excimer sources have recently emerged as a valuable UVC tool for HAI reduction. Excelitas offers excimer lamps in both linear and module formats, that generate narrow bandwidth 222 nm UV light – a wavelength that is proven effective at combating a wide variety of microbes with long lifetimes. These excimer lamps are effective for use in stand-alone systems or can be integrated into multiple modality disinfection solutions.
For indoor air quality, our Excelitas LED-based Kepri™ Upper-Air Disinfection System provides safe, effective, real-time disinfection of upper-level room air regardless of room occupancy. Its UVC energy is effective against a wide range of pathogens including bacteria and viruses such as those that cause COVID-19. This sleek, compact upper-air germicidal system uses a replaceable UVC LED array to disinfect contaminated air as it rises in rooms due to convection. As safety is vital in UVC disinfection, Excelitas sets the industry standard with a three-tiered sensor monitoring system to ensure safe operation, even in fully occupied rooms. Watch our latest video demonstrating how the Kepri UVC Upper-Air Disinfection System safely disinfects a room. View video here.
Excelitas’ range of capabilities provides a distinct advantage to systems designers and OEMs creating next-generation disinfection products. Our advanced UVC LED solutions, powerful pulsed Xenon products, and our new excimer lamps create a versatile and powerful suite of tools for systems engineers and infection control managers in healthcare to help protect the health of all patients.