CheetIR-C Compact, High Definition MWIR Camera
CheetIR-C is a High Definition (HD) Mid-Wave Infrared (MWIR) thermal imaging camera. The camera combines a x13.5 continuous zoom capability with the very latest in High-Operating Temperature (HOT) MWIR detectors to provide exceptional imagery in a compact form. The combination of performance and size makes it ideally suited as a stand alone camera or for integration within sighting system upgrades including under armor, or other OEM applications.
High-Definition resolution allows for earlier recognition and identification of targets, providing the user more time to determine the most appropriate mitigation activity. The video is provided in digital format (HD-SDI) to allow for integration in to current and future proofed systems.
The x13.5 continuous zoom allows for eyes on the target throughout zoom. It enables a target to be acquired within the scene (when in wide field-of-view) and then zoom in to get more detail of the target. The camera has a focal length range of  17.7 mm to 241 mm.
CheetIR-C utilizes a High Operating Temperature (HOT) cooled detector. This reduces the cooling demand on the cooler and thus increasing the Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF), an important consideration when assessing through life costs.Â
CheetIR-C has a MTBF in excess of 16,000 hours, compared to less than 10,000 hours for conventional cooled camera cores. Increased lifetime options are available on request.
For a compact design CheetIR-C provides excellent range performance, being able to recognize a 2.3 m x 2.3 m target in excess of 8 km away, Detection of the target would be in excess of 25 km.
Key FeaturesÂ
- High Definition (720P) resolution
- x13.5 Continuous Zoom
- HOT Detector Technology
- Fast aperture F/3
- Range Performance - MBT Recognition @ 8 km
- Focal Length: 17.7mm (WFOV), 241mm (NFOV)
- F/Number: F/3
- Spectral Band: 3 µm - 5 µm
- Resolution: 1280 x 720
- Pixel pitch: 10 µm
- Dimensions: 126 mm dia. x 285 mm
- Weight: <3.2 kg (<2.4 kg OEM)
- Shock / Vibration: MIL-STD-810G
- Focal Length: 17.7mm (WFOV), 241mm (NFOV)
- F/Number: F/3
- Spectral Band: 3 µm - 5 µm
- Resolution: 1280 x 720
- Pixel pitch: 10 µm
- Dimensions: 126 mm dia. x 285 mm
- Weight: <3.2 kg (<2.4 kg OEM)
- Shock / Vibration: MIL-STD-810G